- Share files from the command line
Learn how to share files from the command line
Learn how to share files from the command line
Learn how to use working with azure functions using powershell
Learn how to use working with azure blueprints
Learn how to use prebuilt terraform image to automate infrastructure deployment
Learn how to use set up a mean-based web application on a new azure linux virtual machine
Learn how to use reduce bruce force attacks to azure vms
Learn how to use create, host, and share packages with your team with azure artifacts
Learn how to use query azure storage analytics logs in azure log analytics
Learn how to use working with azure cosmos db and the javascript sdk
Learn how to use delivering static content via azure cdn
Learn how to use getting started with azure machine learning service with visual studio code
Learn how to use creating custom vm images in azure using packer
Learn how to use build your own azure cli extensions
Learn how to use what are azure cli extensions?
Learn how to use powershell core on linux is now integrated with azure cloud shell
Learn how to use getting started with azure api management
Learn how to use testing azure functions
Learn how to use use azure monitor to track custom events
Learn how to use azure automation with windows machine with powershell
Learn how to use build your first app with the azure sdk for go on azure
Learn how to use getting started with azure front door
Learn how to use the Azure Virtual Machine Serial Console to troubleshoot your VM regardless of the state of your VM OS
Multi-Factor Authentication on Azure in a Nutshell
If it makes the tool more approachable, you could think of Azure ML Studio as the low bar for machine learning that makes it easy for everyone to get into AI...
Learn how to use Notification Hubs from a Native iOS app
Learn how to create a back end for your next native iOS application
Normally when we think of the web, we think of a mostly passive experience. Using SignalR, you can have a real-time, two-way conversation with someone over t...
Learn how to implement performance testing on Cosmos DB
Learn how to use quickly set up azure active directory with azure app services
Learn how to use optimize what you spend on the cloud with Cloudyn
Learn how to use vnet peering to connect existing vnets
Learn how to use taking a peek at azure key vault part 2 of 2
Learn how to use taking a peek at azure key vault part 1 of 2
Learn how to use azure media analytics to search for specific terms in a video
Learn how to use azure media player
Learn how to use get started with Azure Information Protection
Learn how to get started with Azure Lab Services
In part 1 of this post on ML.NET and Azure Functions, you created a machine learning model with ML.NET that categorizes irises. You also set up a serverless ...
ML.NET is the machine learning framework that Microsoft Research made just for .NET developers so you can do everything inside Visual Studio. And when you ar...
Learn how to use Azure Advisor
Learn about Azure HDInsight clusters
Learn about SAP hosted on Azure
Learn about SAP hosted on Azure
Learn how to use Azure DevOps Projects
Learn how to use Azure DevOps Projects
Learn how to use migrating data from cosmos db to local json files
Learn about different storage options in Azure
Azure Tips and Tricks live from ignite 2018
Learn how to use provide parameters with ARM templates
Learn how to use provide static values to ARM templates
Learn how to get started with ARM Templates
Learn how to use change the azure function runtime version after deployment
Grab your copy of the best of azure tips and tricks now as a free ebook
Learn how to use Azure Logic Apps and CosmosDB to monitor and archive Twitter hashtags
Learn how to create a thumbnail images with Azure Functions and Azure Storage
Learn how to create a thumbnail images with Azure Functions and Azure Storage
Learn how to use Azure Logic Apps to detect when a new SQL record is inserted
Learn how to archive the Azure Activity Log
Learn how to quickly test the QnA Maker knowledge base with Fiddler
Learn how to quickly get the Azure Account Tenant ID
Learn how to get the record count in Azure Cosmos DB
Learn how to get your free copy of the The Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Azure
Learn how to create a shortcut to Azure using the Mac Touch Bar
Learn how to run share business logic between Azure Functions
Learn how to run share business logic between Azure Functions
Learn how to run TSQL on an Azure SQL database with Azure Functions
Learn how to easily rename an Azure SQL database
Learn how to easily reset the password for Azure SQL database
Learn how to swiftly understand what versions of .NET are supported on Azure App Services
Learn how to easily keep your Azure Web App hydrated and responsive
Learn how to quickly edit files within Cloud Shell using Code
Learn how to easily generate a Zip file from Azure Blob Storage Files
Learn how to easily copy your SQL Azure database to your local development server
Here is the complete list of ALL Azure Tips and Tricks that is sorted by Azure Services
Learn how to prevent AzCopy uploads from maxing out internet connection speed
Learn how to quickly host a static website with Azure Storage
Learn how to quickly export Azure resources to CSV files with PowerShell
Learn how to quickly restore your local settings file for Azure Functions
Learn how to use Run-From-Zip to deploy a site to Azure Web Apps or Functions with Azure Storage
Learn how to use Run-From-Zip to deploy a site to Azure Web Apps or Functions
Learn how to quickly use the Azure Portal for Durable Functions Development
Learn how to quickly increase the timeout of ASP.NET Core 2.0 API hosted in Azure App Service
Learn how to quickly display a list of all Azure Web Apps URL from Azure Cloud Shell
Learn how to use OCR to extract text from images from the Azure Portal
Learn how to use OCR to extract text from images from the Azure Portal
Learn how to quickly download all of the Azure documentation for offline viewing
Learn how to mount a drive and upload files to Cloud Shell
Learn how to use Azure IoT Central with the MX Chip
Learn how to use Azure Function to call our Logic App with the IoT Button
Learn how to configure and explore working with the IoT Button
Learn how to configure and explore working with the IoT Button
Learn how to configure and explore working with the IoT Button
Check out our video that we presented at Build 2018
Learn how to run Azure PowerShell Cmdlets in Visual Studio 2017
Learn how to determine the outbound IP addresses of your Azure App Service
Learn how to get your free copy of the The Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Azure
A tutorial on how to enable HTTP/2.0 support for Azure App Service
A tutorial on how to easily Upload and download Azure dashboards
A tutorial on how to quickly remove Azure secrets committed to GitHub
A tutorial on how to quickly send JSON to IoT Hub with C#
A tutorial on how to quickly hide secrets with .NET Core
A tutorial on how to do quick and dirty user authentication with Azure Web Apps and MVC 5
Learn how to work with deployment slots with this quick tutorial
A tutorial on creating a To-Do list app with .NET and using Azure App Service, API Apps, SQL, VSTS and CI/CD
A tutorial on creating a To-Do list app with .NET and using Azure App Service, API Apps, SQL, VSTS and CI/CD
A tutorial on creating a To-Do list app with .NET and using Azure App Service, API Apps, SQL, VSTS and CI/CD
A tutorial on creating a To-Do list app with .NET and using Azure App Service, API Apps, SQL, VSTS and CI/CD
All Azure Tips and Tricks goodness in written and video form
A tutorial on creating a To-Do list app with .NET and using Azure App Service, API Apps, SQL, VSTS and CI/CD
A tutorial on creating a To-Do list app with .NET and using Azure App Service, API Apps, SQL, VSTS and CI/CD
A tutorial on creating a To-Do list app with .NET and using Azure App Service, API Apps, SQL, VSTS and CI/CD
A tutorial on creating a To-Do list app with .NET and using Azure App Service, API Apps, SQL, VSTS and CI/CD
A tutorial on creating a To-Do list app with .NET and using Azure App Service, API Apps, SQL, VSTS and CI/CD
Learn how to generate a weekly digest email for a blog using Azure Functions, SendGrid and Azure Storage
Learn how to generate a weekly digest email for a blog using Azure Functions, SendGrid and Azure Storage
Learn how to generate a weekly digest email for a blog using Azure Functions, SendGrid and Azure Storage
Learn how to generate a weekly digest email for a blog using Azure Functions, SendGrid and Azure Storage
Learn how to get up and running with Azure IoT MXChip
Learn how to get all Files from an Azure Storage Blob Container
Learn how to query an Azure Search Index using C#
Learn how to query an Azure Search Index using C#
Learn how to query an Azure Search Index through the Azure Portal
Learn how to implement Azure Search with SQL Server
Learn how to implement search using SQL Server and ASP.NET MVC
Learn how to create shared access tokens with Azure Storage Blob Containers
Learn what’s the purpose of ETag in Azure Storage Table?
Learn how to ensure a clean rowkey is returned using Azure Storage Table
Learn how to delete an item from an Azure Storage Table
Learn how to update an item from an Azure Storage Table
Learn how to read an item from an Azure Storage Table
Learn how to add an item to a Azure Storage Table
Learn how to creating your first Azure Storage Table
Learn how to add metadata to a file inside Azure Storage Blob Container
Learn how to add metadata to a file inside Azure Storage Blob Container
Learn how to creating an Azure blob hierarchy
Learn how to copy Azure Storage Blobs and Files via C#
Learn how to work with Azure Storage Explorer
Learn how to create to upload and download a stream into an Azure Storage Blob with C#
Learn how to create an Azure Storage Blobs Container with C#
Learn how to work with Azure Storage Blobs and Files through the Portal
Learn how to send emails through Azure with C# and SendGrid
Learn how to access text analysis such as sentiment analysis with Cognitive Service and Azure
Learn how to access text analysis such as language detection with Cognitive Service and Azure
Learn how to access text analysis with Cognitive Service and Azure
Learn how to access Azure Cloud Shell anywhere
Learn how to access Cosmos DB through a .NET Application
Learn how to query documents properties with special characters in Cosmos DB
Learn how to use the Data Migration Tool with Cosmos DB
Learn how to use Visual Studio Code to work with Cosmos DB
Learn how to use a different route prefix with Azure Function
Learn how to open an existing Azure Function in Visual Studio
Learn how to force HTTPS in Azure Functions
Learn how to use Java in Azure Functions with VS Code
Learn how to use Visual Studio 2017 with Docker Support
Learn how to get your free copy of the The Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Azure
Learn how to setup continuous deployment with Docker and Web App for Containers
Learn the difference between a docker registry and docker repository
Learn how to use deploy a .NET Core WebAPI Project to Azure
Learn how to use a .NET Core WebAPI Project and Docker Compose
Learn how to get a .NET Core WebAPI Project ready for docker
Learn how to use prebuilt azure vms with containers
Learn how to deploy Azure Functions with Visual Studio Code
Learn how to write local Azure Functions with Visual Studio Code
Learn how to write local Azure Functions with Visual Studio Code
Learn how to add Azure Cloud Shell to Visual Studio Code
Learn how to create a container image with Docker
Learn how to create a container image with Docker
Learn how to create an app that runs inside a container image with Docker
Learn how to get started using Docker and Azure
Learn how to use Visual Studio 2017 to deploy an Azure Logic App
Learn how to use Visual Studio 2017 to work with Azure Logic App
Learn how to quickly modify an existing API connection with Azure Logic App
Learn how to quickly roll back to a Previous version of an Azure Logic App
Learn how to upload files from a URL with Azure Logic Apps
Learn how to setup an HTTP Request Trigger with Azure Logic Apps
Learn how to create a JSON Schema that we’ll use with Azure Logic Apps
Learn how to parse email output and use it with Azure Logic Apps
Learn how to quickly renew or revok Azure Functions keys using the Azure Portal
Learn how to quickly rename Azure functions using the Azure Portal Console
Learn how to work with the Azure CLI 2.0 using a Mac
Learn how to prevent changes to resources with Azure App Service
Learn how to setup Application Insights in an MVC application using Azure App Service
Learn how to setup email alerts with Azure App Services
Learn how to work with Log stream and the Azure App Services
Learn how to clone web apps using Azure App Services
A quick solution to create a USB bootable drive to install macOS High Sierra.
Learn how to configure a Backup for your Azure App Service and Database
Learn how to work with App Settings and Azure App Services
Learn how to quickly load test your web application with Azure App Services
Learn how to use the Azure Resource Explorer to quickly explore REST APIs
Learn how to use additional logic in your Testing in Production sites with PowerShell and the CLI
Learn how to use test Web Apps for production using Azure App Service
Learn how to use Deployment Slots for Web Apps using Azure App Service
Learn how to work with extensions in Azure App Service
Learn how to work with files that you’ve uploaded to Azure App Service
Learn how to deploy an Azure Web App using only the CLI tools from scratch
Learn how to take advantage of tags to organize your Azure resources
Learn how to take advantage of PowerShell within Azure Cloud Shell
Learn how to quickly deploy a Jekyll based site hosted on GitHub Pages to Azure
Learn about some of the software found inside a Azure Cloud Shell instance
Learn how to generate SSH keys to log into a Linux VM with Cloud Shell and BASH on Windows 10
Understand what the Azure Cloud Shell is using storage for.
Learn how to quickly start, restart, stop or delete Multiple VMs with just one click
Learn how to quickly access Azure Cloud Shell from within the Microsoft Docs
Learn how to quickly connect to a Linux VM with SSH
Learn how to quickly connect to Windows VMs using RDP
Learn how to configure the Azure CLI
Learn how to use the table parameter in the Azure CLI
Here is the complete list of all Azure Tips and Tricks
Learn how to add and reorder favorites in the Azure dashboard
Learn how some tiles support custom sizes in the Azure dashboard
Learn how to quickly customize and pin charts to your Azure Dashboard
Learn how to quickly drag and customize tiles in the Azure Portal
Learn how to quickly change themes in the Azure Portal
Learn how to use developer keyboard shortcuts for use in the Azure Portal
Learn how that I wrote an Azure Function to help promote the Azure Function webinar
The resources that you need to quickly get up to speed with the announcements at WWDC 17
Learn how to enabled the new Azure CLI with BASH in Windows 10
The resources that you need to quickly get up to speed with the announcements at Build 2017 on Day 1
The resources that you need to quickly get up to speed with Windows Template Studio
Learn how to access the files inside a container in Docker
Learn how to run a copy of the docker documentation locally
Learn how to run a copy of the docker documentation locally
Learn how to remove containers and images in Docker
Learn how to start and stop containers in Docker
Learn how to get started working with Docker in this series
Learn how to quickly turn off telemetry data in .NET Core
Learn what .NET Core means to Visual Studio 2017 and the updated CLI tools
Learn how to use JetBrains Rider with a .NET Core Console application
Learn how to create a .NET Core Console App inside of Visual Studio Code
Learn how to use Visual Studio Code with a .NET Core Console application
Learn how to create a ASP.NET Core web application
Learn how to create migrate an existing .NET Core app to csproj
Learn how to create a test project from .NET Core
Learn how to create a NuGet package from a .NET Core app
Learn about running a .NET Core app on a Mac in this mini-series
Learn about the Visual Studio Templates for .NET Core in this mini-series
Learn how to work with .NET Core in this mini-series
Learn how to pop a toast notification in WPF using Win 10 APIs
Learn how to open UWP apps through Edge or a web browser link
In today’s post, we’re covering how PC software can leverage the rich functionality of Windows 10.
Learn how to use Bash in Windows 10
Invert Mouse Scroll Wheel on Win 10
Windows Ink: Beyond Doodling (Part 3)
Windows Ink: Digging Deeper (Part 2)
Windows Ink: Introduction (Part 1)
Privacy Policy
Animations with the Visual Layer
Smooth Interaction and Motion with the Visual Layer
Accessibility and your app design
Creating Beautiful Effects for UWP
A quick solution to create a USB bootable drive to install macOS Sierra.
Interop between XAML and the Visual Layer
Beautiful apps made possible and easy with Windows.UI
Polishing your app with animations and audio cues
Adding color to your design
A complete list of winners from WWDC 2016 Design Awards
Communicating with your users
Designing for Intuitive Navigation
Using iconography to enhance UX design
Sketching your app design
Design thinking: finding your inspiration
Visual communication and visual cues
Understanding typography and UX design
Getting started with app design
A porting guidance document for mobile developers
Find out how to work with both UIKit and XAML with the Windows Bridge for iOS
Where have you been since joining Microsoft?
Find out how to work with Storyboards and Auto Layout with the Windows Bridge for iOS
Quick start guide to Visual Studio for iOS Devs
The next chapter of my career is going to be with Microsoft.
My list of essential C# 6.0 features that you need to know
A quick solution to fix a common problem when migrating existing Swift apps to Xcode 7.
Here I talked about mobile development and other topics.
It is time to embrace TypeScript and this post shows you how!
I was on a podcast with other folks from CodeStock, where we talked about mobile development.
Want to learn how to stop your app from being deleted? Check out my tips here.
I was able to get mine working with just a few steps.
This screencast walks you through a simple example of using MVVM with Xamarin.Forms.
It is easier than you think.
Where we talked about the mobile development landscape.
I take a look at Shared Projects and Class Libraries in VS 2015
Learn how to setup Windows 10 IoT Core on a Raspberry Pi 2
The first episode of my new YouTube Channel
I list out several commands that helped me get started with Raspberry Pi.
Learn how to persist data in Xamarin.Forms
Easily format your SD card to FAT32 in OSX
A step-by-step guide to creating and debugging C# Console Apps with Visual Studio Code on OSX
Setup your Windows 10 App Development Fast!
A quick and easy way to autocompile your TypeScript files with Visual Studio Code on OSX
Step by Step Guide on Setting up Github with Visual Studio Code on OSX
Follow this to get TypeScript working with Visual Studio Code on OSX
Step by Step on upgrading your Apple Watch to the latest Software
JustDecompile is now Open Source!
Jen Looper and I share 4 Tips for Apple Watch Development
The easiest way that I’ve found to install Windows 10 on my Spectre x360
Grab the free cheat sheet for Xamarin Studio
A quick way to run Jekyll locally.
This article teaches you how to quickly test Swift code snippets
Details on my new blog that I recently launched
Take a look at the new Apple Watch will Affect the Enterprise
Take a look at the new tooling by Microsoft for Windows 10
An interview with me and others on the Android landscape
A step-by-step guide to build your first Google Wear app
Give your WPF app a facelift!
Quickly get up to speed with IoT using Windows on Devices.
A free eBook that walks you through everything new in .NET in 2015.
Build a Task App using Swift
Quickly get up to speed with Roslyn.
A quick way to update your Git client to the official distro.
I have a new in-depth article published online today called “What’s New in C# 6.0 Inside Visual Studio 2015 Preview”. See below for more information and a li...
I have a new in-depth article published online today called “5 Incredible Features in the Visual Studio 2015 Preview”. See below for more information and a l...
Let me get this out of the way first, this post isn’t about losing weight or building muscle. It’s about how you can change your lifestyle once and for all ...
I have a new in-depth article published online today called “Windows 10 – What’s in it For Developers?”. See below for more information and a link to the onl...
Sam Basu and I was recently interviewed by David Giard for his podcast called Technology and Friends. We talked for about 30 minutes on the Telerik Platform....
Introduction Sam Basu and I was recently interviewed by David Giard for his podcast called Technology and Friends. We talked for about 30 minutes on the new ...
I have a new in-depth article published online today called “Why iOS Developers Still Need to Know Objective-C”. See below for more information and a link to...
I have a new in-depth article published online today called “WinJS 3.0 Shows Industry Shift Towards JavaScript”. See below for more information and a link to...
I have a new in-depth article published online today called “JavaScript for OS X Automation by Example”. See below for more information and a link to the onl...
If you are interested in joining Microsoft’s Research Program, then it only requires two steps:
I have a new in-depth article published online today called “AngularJS: One Step at a Time”. See below for more information and a link to the online article....
I have a new in-depth article published online today called “5 Killer Productivity Features in Visual Studio 2013”. See below for more information and a link...
If you have a .html file in a Github repository and want to view that page directly you would typically download or clone the repo to your local hard drive a...
##Introduction I have been experimenting with AngularJS for a couple of months. After upgrading to 1.3.0-beta.18, I noticed the following code didn’t work. I...
I have a new in-depth article published online today called “Now is the time to Develop Windows Universal Apps!”. See below for more information and a link t...
I have a new in-depth article published online today called “Gathering Meaningful Feedback in iOS Apps”. See below for more information and a link to the onl...
I have a new in-depth article published online today called “Mobile Connectivity in iOS Apps”. See below for more information and a link to the online articl...
I have a new in-depth article published online today called “5 Killer Tools for iOS Developers”. See below for more information and a link to the online arti...
Intro In Windows Phone 8.1 anyone can take a screenshot by pressing the power button and the volume-up key at the same time. A customer was concerned about p...
I am thankful to Microsoft for renewing my MVP in the Windows Platform Development expertise. You may be asking yourself “What is the Windows Platform Develo...
Introduction After reading through the Apple Developer Docs I found this: “Xcode’s debugger includes an interactive version of the Swift language known as t...
Introduction Here is a look at the Developer Tools released today for Android L. I began by removing my existing installation of Android Studio Preview. ...
The Problem I recently ran into the issue of “GPS Provider Disabled” when using Apache Cordova on Android. After reading many threads the fix seemed to alway...
Introduction I was recently in San Francisco CA to deliver a presentation at AltConf 2014 and attend WWDC 2014. The title of the presentation was “Enriching ...
5 Excellent and FREE AngularJS Learning Materials for Beginners ## Overview I love working with mobile and web technologies. I’ve recently been learnin...
Introduction TechEd is officially over and Telerik was there covering the entire event. Now that we are all back home it is time to catch up all of the sess...
Introduction I was recently interviewed by Jim Collison for his podcast called the Home Gadget Geeks. We talked for about 80 minutes on a wide variety of top...
I have a new in-depth article published online today called “5 Ways to Build Mobile Apps with Visual Studio”. See below for more information and a link to th...
Introduction I ran into a problem installing SQL Server 2014 on my Windows 8.1 Update 1 box. It kept giving me this error: “Could not find the Database Eng...
Introduction I recently installed Sublime 3 Beta and created an .HTML file and wanted to launch it in Chrome from within the IDE without right-clicking the f...
If you are upgrading an existing Windows 8.1 installation to Windows 8.1 Update 1 through your MSDN account then you will need to find the following .zip pac...
Introduction I was recently interviewed by Michael Pehel on all sorts of topics ranging from how I got started in programming to my thoughts on the Android l...
Introduction I was recently updating Android Studio to the latest build when I hit this error: After hitting the “Exit” button I got this error: j...
Introduction This video walks you through step-by-step on how to share your Windows Phone 8 Screen over the Internet. The only requirements are that you are ...
Intro Iíll admit that the easier you make something, the more I will use it. While I know enough about the command line to work with Github, Iíd much prefer ...
Introduction I was recently interviewed by Marco Siccardi on all sorts of topics ranging from how I got started in programming to why I started developing fo...
Introduction Since becoming a Pluralsight author I’ve often needed to get the total duration of all the .wmv files inside of a directory. I would typically u...
I have a new training video published on Pluralsight today called “Core Telerik Windows Phone 8 Controls”.
Introduction I was recently interviewed by Jim Collison for his podcast called the Home Tech Podcast. We talked for about 80 minutes on everything from CES P...
Introduction I was recently interviewed by Adam Stephensen for his show on SSW TV. We talked for about 30 minutes on my experience with Windows Phone 8. We a...
Introduction From my last post on “Power Tip for Windows Users: Open Command Prompt Here” I was asked what about an elevated command prompt inside a folder? ...
Introduction One of the required tools that you will need when building Android Apps is the ability to debug on a local device. While plugging in the device ...
Option 1: We all need a command prompt at one point or another. There is many tools that exist that allows us to right-click on a folder and open a command p...
Introduction A lot of people were happy with the blank Windows Phone 8 Project Template that I created for Visual Studio 2012. Over the holidays I had a requ...
Introduction As 2013 comes to a close here is my list of things in tech that I’m excited about for 2014. Listed in no particular order. Wearables - From w...
Introduction I’ve setup my Android environment many times in the past. I’ve learned what does work and what doesn’t work. I decided I’d start from scratch an...
Quick Tip for PC Users using a Mac I use both Windows 8.1 and OS X Mavericks on a daily basics. As a long time PC User I’ve mastered the keyboard shortcuts a...
Introduction I was recently in Malmö Sweden to deliver a presentation on Windows Phone 8. It covered Maps IAP and Wallets. Below is the video: Michael Crum...
Introduction I recently switched from my Surface RT to the ThinkPad Tablet 2 and I am very happy! This blog post will contain lots and lots of pictures with ...
Introduction I was recently interviewed by Jim Collison for his podcast called the Home Tech Podcast. We talked for about 80 minutes on everything from Windo...
I was recently interviewed by Richard Campbell and Carl Franklin on the Tablet Show. We were talking about migrating your apps from WP7 to WP8. Check it out...
Introduction I was recently interviewed by Dirk Strauss on all sorts of topics ranging from how I got started in programming to other things happening in tec...
Introduction When I originally went to the Apple Developer Site to update my iPhone / iPad devices to iOS 7 GM (Gold Master) I quickly discovered that I didn...
Introduction I was recently interviewed by Jim Collison at HDC13. We talked for about 35 minutes on Windows Phone 8 and other things happening in tech. Podc...
I have a new in-depth article published online and in print on MSDN today called “Upgrading Windows Phone 7.1 Apps to Windows Phone 8”. See below for more in...
Introduction I was lucky enough to get the geeksphone Firefox OS Developer Preview Phone (Keon) directly from Mozilla. This blog post will contain lots and l...
Introduction Earlier this month a new set of Windows Phone Emulators came out with the title “Windows Phone SDK 8.0 Update for Windows Phone 8.0.10322”. Insi...
Introduction After working with Windows 8 apps since the release once thing that has bugged me is the 3 month expiration on the developer license. For instan...
I have a new in-depth article published online in Visual Studio Magazine today called “In-App Purchasing for Windows Phone 8”. See below for more information...
Introduction Over the weekend I was learning how to use Camtasia 2 for Mac and decided I’d produce and share a quick video. The video shows you how to get st...
I am pleased to say that this morning I got the news that I have been renewed as an Microsoft MVP for the third year in a row. Here is a snippet from the em...
Hey everyone <p>I was recently quoted by Janet Tu for the Seattle Times. It was in regards to their pre-Build coverage. The title of the article is ...
I’ve been working with Windows Phone 8 beta apps for a while now and wanted to share ten questions and answers that I keep hearing people ask. When...
Introduction For every major developer conference regardless of the platform I find time to sit down and watch it and take notes. I try my best to take the ...
Introduction I've been watching several courses on PluralSight by Jon Flanders on iOS programming and and was wondering how he was drawing on the screen. I'm...
Introduction Something that I get quite often is how do you specify the startup page in Windows Phone. Most people are trying to use the MVVM pattern and by ...
Introduction I’m currently getting up to speed with iOS Android (native and Xamarin) and Firefox mobile development. As you can tell from my blog I am still ...
Introduction If you are using Xamarin with Visual Studio 2012 to build Android applications then one thing you need to get used to is the concept of AVD (And...
Introduction I hear this question a lot.. Should I use code-behind or MVVM in my application? What are the pros/cons of each and can you show me a simple exa...
I have a new in-depth article published online in Visual Studio Magazine today called “Say What? Incorporating Windows Phone 8 Speech Recognition into Your A...
Introduction While setting up for my Nokia Lumia Labs presentation I had one of the organizers ask me how I was able to switch fonts and make everything easi...
How to Lock your Windows Phone 8 Device One cool feature in Windows Phone 8 that I hardly hear anyone talking about is the ability to “Lock” your phone from ...
Description: This book is a field guide for .NET developers exploring the foreign world of native iOS programming. It explains the iOS development platform ...
I have a new in-depth article published in print and online for CODE Magazine called “An Overview of the Windows Phone 8 SDK”. If you're looking to get up to...
Introduction After reading the comments on this video and in forums there seems to be a lot of confusion about how to setup “Unit Testing” in Windows Phone 7...
I have a new in-depth article published online at DZone called “Using Portable Class Libraries with Windows 8 / Windows Phone 8 MVVM”. If you're looking to g...
Introduction In case you missed the news today the Windows Phone 7.8 SDK has been released. Thee first question posted on the blog was: In which the ...
Introduction After I downloaded the Windows Phone 8 SDK I noticed the first template called “Windows Phone App”. I was thinking that this template was ...
Introduction I recently delivered a webinar for SilverlightShow titled “Deeper Dive into the Windows Phone 8 SDK” The recording of the webinar is now availa...
Introduction All of the talk lately has been about which laptop/slate developers are going to buy for Windows 8/Touchscreen development. I haven’t seen any d...
Introduction You may have noticed that after creating a new Windows Phone 8 application that the SplashScreenImage.jpg does not exist in the project as it di...
Thank you... Seriously I’ve been reflecting over 2012 and thinking of all the new people that I met and the new experiences that I’ve had. I thought of wrap...
The Problem Hey all Just a short post here to let you know what I discovered recently. I logged onto my machine and noticed these 2 icons had an x at the bot...
Introduction I recently delivered a webinar for SilverlightShow titled “An Overview of the New Windows Phone 8 SDK.” The recording of the webinar is now ava...
I have a new in-depth article published in print and online in Visual Studio Magazine today called “10 Things Silverlight Devs Need to Know About the Windows...
Introduction After returning from //build/ this year the first thing that I did was create a list of both Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 Sessions that I want...
Introduction One of the first things that I did after receiving my Nokia Lumia 920 was register the device so that I could start deploying applications to it...
Introduction I was recently interviewed by Bill Cullifer for his podcast on “All things web development”. We talked for about 12 minutes on “Mobile Applicati...
Introduction I’m a big fan of Windows Media Center and have wrote a couple of applications for it back in the day called W7 Video Playlist Creator and W7 Aut...
Introduction There may be some instances where you want to monitor Windows 8 Store Apps without installing Visual Studio 2012. Thankfully you can do this pre...
Update : Thanks to Philip Japikse this can be resolved by upgrading to “anyconnect-win-3.1.00495-pre-deploy-k9.msi” which you can download from Cisco. Introd...
Introduction A common problem that I have had since Windows 8 was announced at //Build was a high-quality Windows 8 Developer links aggregator. Many sites c...
Introduction I was working on a mapping application for Windows 8 – HTML using the Bing SDK and needed to pass the latitude and longitude into it. I began se...
Introduction I have worked at Telerik for almost one year now and I’ve had the pleasure of working on a variety of products. Not only our XAML products but o...
Introduction I’ve ran into this issue on three separate machines where the NumLock key needs to be pressed to login to Windows 8 upon boot (assuming you have...
Bulgaria and Redmond.<p>Hello Everyone</p> <p>I just finished a speaking tour and I am already setting up another mini-one. I love going ...
I have a new cover story article published in print and online in Visual Studio Magazine today called “Windows 8 Apps With HTML5”. If you're an experienced W...
Introduction I was recently interviewed by Ryan and Travis Lowdermilk for their podcast titled “Windows Developer Show”. We talked for about 20 minutes on th...
Introduction I’ve been upgrading some of my applications from VS2012 RC to RTM and have encountered the following error multiple times. As you can see from ...
I have a new cover story article published in print and online in Visual Studio Magazine today called “New Views on Windows 8 Metro-Style Development”. This ...
Introduction Showing the AppBar in XAML Metro Applications requires no special tips or tricks just place the code on your page and open it in Blend and you w...
Introduction I recently delivered a webinar for Telerik with Jesse Liberty titled “Why build for Windows 8 and how RadControls for Metro can help.” The reco...
Introduction This was my very first year attending TechEd. I was there representing Telerik's XAML Products and co-presenting a few side sessions with Chris...
Introduction I recently delivered a webinar for SilverlightShow titled “10 Things a Silverlight Developer Should Know About Windows 8.” The recording of the...
<h3>Introduction</h3> <p>One year ago I wrote a blog post titled “I am now a Silverlight MVP as of July 2011..” I am pleased to say tha...
Introduction Back in April 2012 I shared a list of “10 Things you probably didn’t know about Windows 8.” I had a lot of great feedback through Twitter and Fa...
I recently had the chance to Guest Blog for the Microsoft MVP Award Program Blog on “TechEd 2012– Silverlight MVP Michael Crump Shares Excitement”. Article ...
I have a new featured article published in print and online in Visual Studio Magazine today called “Bridging the PhoneGap”. This article take a look at Phone...
Introduction I was recently interviewed by Jesse Liberty for his podcast titled “Yet Another Podcast”. We talked for about 30 minutes on “The Ten Things Silv...
VS11 – Metro Application Quick Tips Sometimes when developing Metro applications you need advanced debugging options such as suspending or resuming your app...
Podcast ...
Part 1 available here. <h3>Introduction</h3> <p>Hey you came back! Well thank you very much. I’m kind of surprised to see the amount of a...
Introduction In case you haven’t noticed the following “Unblock” button is missing from Windows 8 file properties. This can be a tad annoying when download...
Part 2 is now available! <h3>Introduction</h3> <p>Through and through I love XAML. I love building and working with SL WPF WP7 and Wind...
Introduction I really love building Silverlight Applications and debugging with Chrome. One thing that I hate though is the constant popups that I get from C...
I have a new article published on DevProConnections today called “Build a WinRT Metro App to Access the Windows 8 File System”. This article takes a look at ...
Introduction I have been playing with the Windows 8 Consumer Preview since the day it was released. It is my primary operating system at nights and weekends....
Introduction I’ve had the following Windows Phone 7 devices since September 2010: LG GW 910 Prototype Device (located on my old blog) Samsung Focus...
I was recently interviewed by David Giard for his podcast titled “Technology and Friends”. We talked for about 20 minutes on all things Silverlight 5. We dis...
Introduction In case you haven’t noticed the Windows Simulator in VS11 Beta has changed slightly. We have the same panel located to the right of the simulato...
I was recently interviewed by Dane Morgridge and G. Andrew Duthie for their podcast titled “Community MegaPhone”. We talked for about an hour and a half on a...
I have a new article published on Visual Studio Magazine today called “Porting a Silverlight App to a Metro-Style App”. This article take Scott Gu’s famous S...
I have a new article published on NetMagazine today called “Build your first Windows Phone 7 app”. This article goes beyond a simple “Hello World” app and gu...
Introduction I’m a C# guy through and through but I have recently been exploring Visual C++ . I decided to take you with me as I spend 10 minutes exp...
App Information: Marketplace Link: Price: FREE Product Description: Use this application to quickly track treadmill...
Introduction I was trying to submit my new WP7 application to the marketplace when I got this error: The [NeutralResourceLanguage] attribute is miss...
App Information: Product Page (including Screenshots): Direct Download Link:
4 Formats: PDF Word EPUB MOBI. (each format can be downloaded separately) Number of pages: 60 Release date: January 2012. Sponsored by T...
Introduction The ShareLinkTask introduced in Windows Phone SDK 7.1 enables users to share a link on various social networks like Twitter Facebook and...
Introduction 2011 is winding down and 2012 is upon us. Have you set any goals for 2012 both professionally/personally? Regardless of the answer I’m sure one...
Introduction I was asked the other day how to detect if a user has touched a certain part of the screen. I created some sample code for them but decided that...
Introduction Today we are going to take a look at the Windows Simulator which ships with Visual Studio 11 and is used to debug Metro Style apps for Windows 8...
Official Product Page Official Showcase Video Introduction Back in July 2011 I decided to switch to a gaming mouse called the Razer DeathAdder. I switche...
Michael Crump MVP MCPD Michael Crump is a Microsoft MVP Pluralsight and MSDN author as well as an international speake...
Introduction I’ve been asked several times how I added the Tweet Button below to all of my FunnelWeb post. Here is a quick blog post detailing how I did it. ...
Silverlight 5 – The Final Version is here! Introduction On December the 9th 2011 Microsoft released the final version of Silverlight 5. This release...
My Lenovo ThinkPad’s built-in screen maxes at 1366x768x32. I wanted to use that same resolution with Windows 8 Developer Preview inside of VirtualBox. So wha...
I was recently running into a situation where every time I opened Visual Studio 2010 SP1 the following message would appear for about 60 seconds or s...
On November 12th 2011 I gave a presentation at Chippewa Valley Code Camp titled “Kinecting the Dots with the Kinect SDK”. As promised here is the Slid...
Introduction Microsoft recently released the Kinect for Windows SDK Beta 2. It contains many enhancements and fixes that can be found here. Th...
Introduction I’m sure by now you have heard that the Kinect SDK has been released by Microsoft. I recently had a chance to Guest Blog for the Microsoft MVP...
Introduction In case you missed it I have a 10-part series on Silverlight 5 on In this extensive guide to Silverlight 5 I give a...
Below you will find my entire collection of Windows 8 Development Articles. I will focusing on XAML / C# Metro Applications in Windows 8 but may occa...
Introduction I recently found out that I have been awarded with the Q3 Community Champion Award from INETA. It is a honor and a privilege to be ...
Introduction We are all familiar with the Application Bars in Windows Phone 7… It can be achieved with a few lines of code as shown below: <phone...
HTML5 OData and Kinect talks coming up.<p> </p> <p>Hello Everyone</p> <p>I thought I’d take a minute to update everyone on my...
I was informed that my presentation on “Getting Started with the Kinect SDK” is now live on The video quality is not that great but tha...
Introduction Just the other day I blogged about “Enabling Frame Rate Counter for XAML Applications in Windows 8”. At the very end of that post I remin...
I have been watching the influencer interviews with Richard Campbell as well as the Build Sessions recently published on Channel 9. Like most of you I...
DebugSettings.EnableFrameRateCounter = true; in the App.xaml.cs App constructor will get you what you want. <p>The rest of this information is outdate...
Introduction I’m sure by now you have heard that the Silverlight 5 Release Candidate has been released. I recently had a chance to Guest Blog for the ...
I usually do a bullet points from major conference events like this one from Mix11. The purpose of this post is to get you up to speed quickly with ne...
2011 has been a very exciting year for me so far. I was awarded the Microsoft Silverlight MVP. I was renewed as the DZone MVB. I was awar...
Today the release candidate of Microsoft’s Silverlight 5 was released to the public. If you want to know “What’s new in Silverlight 5” then check out this p...
Introduction By now most of you have heard that Windows Phone 7 – Mango release will support Local Databases (SQL CE) using Linq to SQL. But what you probabl...
Introduction Have you ever wondered how to update the Application Tile in your Windows Phone 7 Mango application? Me too. But before we dig in let’s look at ...
Introduction: One of the concerns that I keep hearing from customers is “We can’t deploy Silverlight because it won’t run on a tablet.” I usually reply to ...
</br> <p></p> <p>So you grabbed the latest Mango Build and installed it on your phone. Now your probably thinking Why should I upda...
Introduction One of the things that I recently had someone show me was using the “Copy Xaml” feature in Expression Design to create HTML5 SVG Path Data...
Introduction I’m proud to announce my first eBook and update to my article series on OData for Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 is complete. I have wor...
Continuing my “From Soup to Nuts” series or sometimes referred to as “The Busy Developers Guide” series I will take a look at the Surface 2.0 SDK recently r...
DISCLAIMER: I did not get this product for free. I bought it with my own money. However if Razer wants to give me a keyboard for a review then I would gladl...
Introduction One of the features that I’m surprised to see hardly no one talk about is “Communication Between Local Silverlight-Based Applications”. This i...
I found out last night that I have been awarded with the Microsoft MVP Award for my contribution to the Silverlight community. It is a honor a privilege and...
Windows Phone Developer Tools 7.1 Beta 2 was released on 6/29/2011. Are you ready for it? If not then let my guide help you get your system prepared and go ...
I’ve been playing with the Kinect SDK Beta for the past few days and have noticed a few projects on CodePlex worth checking out. I decided to blog about them...
Introduction In the second part of my “Game-changing Features” series I investigated how to create multiple windows in a trusted Silverlight 5 application. ...
The Kinect is awesome. From day one I’ve said this thing has got potential. After playing with several open-source Kinect projects I am please to ann...
I wanted to get familiar with SharePoint 2010 because I have noticed how the market is starting to demand it. Also most of the SharePoint 2010 guides on the ...
As promised here is a link to all of the applications from my session at CodeStock 2011: Entity Framework Profiler Studio Styles Reflector Teler...
(A picture that I took on 6/3/2011 waiting for the keynote by Charles Petzold to begin at the Bijou Theater in Knoxville TN) Day One (Thursday Night) I head...
DISCLAIMER: I did not get this product for free. I’m just a guy with a debit card that has bought a product and wants to share. Last December I decided to ...
If you work with XAML day in and day out then surely you will have your own tips/tricks for working inside of Visual Studio 2010. Here are mine. I hope that...
You’re a busy developer and you have read article after article of “What’s new in WP7 Mango” but you are only interested in knowing “What does this mean for...
Introduction In the first part of the “Game-changing Features in the Silverlight 5 Beta” I investigated how to debug XAML in Silverlight 5. Now it is time t...
Michael’s “Mega Collection of Silverlight 5 Beta” Demos I’ve decided that today I would release a set of Demos for the Silverlight 5 Beta to help the commun...
Introduction Now that the MIX 11 conference is over and we have heard the news of the Silverlight 5 Beta being released it’s time to explore some of the new...
Tools and Controls for Windows Phone 7.<p>The list provided below is my “Best-Of” FREE Frameworks Tools and Controls for Windows Phone 7. I have used e...
I’ve recently had the requirement to allow my user to choose between two items in my Windows Phone 7 application. The first way that I thought of tackling th...
After the excellent Azure news from MIX 11 yesterday I thought now would be the best time to release a brand new article about how you can get started with ...
Silverlight and Kinect.<p>Since my blog is mainly about Silverlight WPF and Windows Phone 7 I decided that I’d make a recap of today’s MIX 11 Event for...
I released my second Windows Phone 7 application on March 23rd 2011. It was called FullScreen Browser. It was a web browser that I had originally creat...
Full Disclaimer: Since I am on the GeeksWithBlog.NET Influencer list I was issued a free 1-year subscription to DiscountASP.NET TFS2010 remote hosting. With ...
New series called “Producing and Consuming OData in a Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 application.” You can read any of the parts you may have missed by clic...
I have always been interested in learning which features of my application users are using as well as if they are using it. I have done this with other...
One thing that I’ve noticed in several apps in the Windows Phone 7 marketplace is the ad chopping off on the right hand side. I decided that my next Windows ...
Introduction Now that the dust has settled and everyone has downloaded and installed Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 its time to talk about a new feature i...
After you download and install the January 2011 Windows Phone update you will notice one annoying thing. The default deployment target for Windows Phone Pro...
I was recently interviewed by Dennis Delimarsky for his podcast titled “Dream.In.Code”. We talked for about an hour on all things Silverlight and Windows Pho...
One of the biggest problems that I’ve seen with people creating WP7 applications is how do you bind the application bar to a Relay Command. If your using MVV...
In case you haven’t heard the latest WP7 Developers Tool update was released yesterday and contains a few goodies. First you need to go and grab the bits her...
I recently acquired a Samsung Focus Windows Phone 7 device from AT&T and wanted to share what I thought of it as an end-user. Samsung Focus i917 Phone S...
I’ve always believed that as a developer you should always have a hobby project going on. I think a hobby project needs to contain at least one of following ...
The answer is surprisingly no. It is time to end the myth that when hosting a Silverlight application it has to end in .XAP. Let’s look at a sample Silverli...
here is ten things I would say.<p> </p> <p>Silverlight is a great product right off the shelf. I use it love it and spend a lot of time he...
I had a reader email me the following question: “How do you create Speech Bubbles in Silverlight/WPF without adding any extra .dlls? Right off the ba...
If you work with Silverlight daily then you have run into this problem. Your XAP file has been cached in your browser and you have to empty your browser cach...
I hate re-writing code. I also hate it when I find a great code snippet on the web and forget to bookmark it or it gets lost in my endless sea of bookmarks. ...
Silverlight/Expression 4 Books! I recently stumbled upon a post asking “What is the best book on Silverlight 4?” In the age of the internet it can be hard f...
I have been in the market for a new computer for several months. I set out with a budget of around $1200. I knew up front that the machine would be used for ...
With the release of Visual Studio 2010 Feature Pack 2 Microsoft included the Coded UI Test framework. With this release it is possible to create automated te...
Part 1 of 4 : Tips/Tricks for Silverlight Developers. [Technical Blog] Part 2 of 4: Tips/Tricks for Silverlight Developers [Technical Blog] Part 3 of 4 : Tip...