Acer T232HL 23 inch Touchscreen Monitor Review for Windows 8
Introduction All of the talk lately has been about which laptop/slate developers are going to buy for Windows 8/Touchscreen development. I haven’t seen any d...
Introduction All of the talk lately has been about which laptop/slate developers are going to buy for Windows 8/Touchscreen development. I haven’t seen any d...
Introduction You may have noticed that after creating a new Windows Phone 8 application that the SplashScreenImage.jpg does not exist in the project as it di...
Thank you... Seriously I’ve been reflecting over 2012 and thinking of all the new people that I met and the new experiences that I’ve had. I thought of wrap...
The Problem Hey all Just a short post here to let you know what I discovered recently. I logged onto my machine and noticed these 2 icons had an x at the bot...
Introduction I recently delivered a webinar for SilverlightShow titled “An Overview of the New Windows Phone 8 SDK.” The recording of the webinar is now ava...