Update Since joining Microsoft

1 minute read

It has been a while since joining Microsoft and I’ve had a number of people reaching out to me from the community (which makes me very happy). So where the heck have I been? I decided along with my wife, that it was time for a change in location. This made it very easy when Microsoft needed me in Washington. Since the move, I’ve spent a lot of time learning the job, culture and area. In the meantime, I’ve sold my house in Alabama and am currently renting a house in Education Hill in Redmond, WA. The area has the top schools in the nation and that was a big factor in the decision as I have two children.

I’ve also been asked some other questions, so I’ll list out the Top 5 :

  • Are you going to conferences anymore? Yes, I’ll be at //Build and Xamarin Evolve this year. There will probably be more.
  • Have you quit speaking and are you planning on speaking again? I’ve spoken one time this year at a Seattle Meetup. I plan on speaking again, but it will probably be a couple of times a year vs. every month or so.
  • You aren’t on Twitter as much. Yep, this is on purpose. I need some time off from social media. I deleted my Facebook, FourSquare and a couple of other accounts last year. I don’t miss them at all.
  • How is Telerik doing? Telerik is doing fine, nothing stopped since I left. The great team is still there and doing wonderful work.
  • Besides work, what have you been doing? I’ve been involved in the great outdoors. I’ve taken up basketball and am working with my son in football. I’ve also been walking and running all the beautiful trails here in WA. I have lost some weight in the process and hopefully the next time that you see me it will show!

I’ve also spent a lot of time reading books, writing daily (in a journal) and learning more and more about business.

Thanks again to everyone who has reached out via email, twitter and phone. I wish all of you the best.



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